Polar Bear

Polar Bear
My Boy

Monday, January 3, 2011


I abhor New Year's resolutions-for myself that is because I have NEVER pursued them past January.  No matter the resolution, not just weight loss/getting fit resolutions, and obviously being nicer and sweeter never took...

I think this is because there was really no impetus for me to change.  Even before this diet, there was no fat doctor preaching in my ear while running out the door for a cigarette break-one of my favorite hypocritical things about doctors, let me tell you!

Anywho, I digress...you all know the reason(s) that I decided to get on the diet bandwagon for good this time.   What will keep me on it, and help me finish my goals, not resolutions, is money.

See, I have already bought many clothing items in size 6.  Yes, I am a 'cart before the horse' kind of girl.  I like to think of it as 'ready for action' or 'uber-prepared'.  Haha

Also, there are no more health issues that a doctor could even try to harp on me for, no co morbid conditions to worry about...that being said, I still want to drop because...

Well...Medifast is freaking expensive!!  I love it, but damn!

I am supposed to be down to my goal at the end of February-this is the original goal of 161, not my modified goal of around 150 pounds...at that point I am supposed to go into maintenance phase for a year.  

However, I can apparently use up to eight of those weeks for further weight loss.  Since I haven't been 150 since I was in high school, I imagine it will take me those 8 weeks to creep my way down the scale, my fat stores screaming to be fed the whole time.  Like a kid laying down and throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall.  Yes, I am very visual.

Anyway, at $45-75 per week for food, plus grocery food for my one real meal/day, you do the math.  Eating healthy is expensive, especially fresh protein (fish, chicken, pork, lean red meat, etc.)  But I guess impetus is impetus, no matter the form it takes.  But seriously...

Dude I need to win the damn lottery already.


jennifer said...

Dude, you're doing great. I swear that sometimes when I'm about to eat something I shouldn't, you pop into my head and I imagine all the loathsome things you would have to say about it! lol. I know you'll reach your goal soon...nothing can stop the kind of mentality that you've got going on.

The Fat Mom said...

I've thought about Medifast but there is no way that I could afford it. Sucks, but whatever.

Twix said...

I know how small a size 6 is. Wow!

And second the lottery...could use the cash!;-)

Karen said...

I want to win too! I'd hire a trainer for 7 days a week and a personal chef to make healthy, yummy meals. Sigh.

uh said...

I am trying to switch to fresh foods. It is more expensive!

Sue said...

Then why not just stop the Medifast? Why are you still having it. Jump on Allan's challenge, real food, what more can you ask for? I've jumped on and my first breakfast was a waffle with maple syrup and butter. I would normally think he is crazy for giving me this but as you can see from his blog, he and others are losing the weight on the 'plan' so why mess with it? Go on, enjoy the real food, you can always go back to Medifast if you don't like the 'plan'.

Patrick said...

I know zip about Medifast so I've got no constructive thoughts on it... but certainly i wish you well in its use to get you where you want to get to next.

People love cart before the horse people, especially cart retailers. Destination: Size 6!

Jules said...

One thing I have learned over the last year, is YES changing our eating can be more expensive...HOWEVER the cost of not changing is so much more...Each person needs to find what works for them...cart before horse, horse before cart, or horse running on its own...It all just matters that we learn to eat healthy, exercise and treat ourselves GOOD.

Jennifer said...

You are right about it being expensive. But for me, I eat out way less and have less fast food so that helps. You are doing so great and i am so proud of you! Keep it up!


Bethanny said...

Hey girl! A size 6? Wow. I wonder if I can get that small too? I doubt it. I will try with you. I seem to get as low as an 8 and then double up. That sounds bad right? I can see the change in the mirror lately, but I want MORE. You know? My personal goal in my head has been a size 8, but I just want to look tone and not sloppy. So the # was never the priority. Maybe that should be my next goal, a def. size to fit into......

Happy Fun Pants said...

You've already come so far - and even though the plan is expensive...maybe you can look at the expense as what you would've been paying long term for health care and meds if you had stayed the same weight?

Whatever the cost and however you do it, you're investing in yourself and you're taking it seriously. THAT is fantastic. :)

Ms. Chunky Chick said...

I know medifast is expensive but healthy food in general is expensive. You can do this!